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Stanley J5C09 1000 Peak Amp Jump Starter with Built in Compressor Description and Features.
The Stanley 500-Amp Battery Jump Starter with Compressor offers a convenient, portable way to jump-start your battery without the need of another vehicle. Simply attach the clamps and if connected improperly the alarm will sound, alerting you to switch the clamps before turning on the unit. With enough power to jump-start your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, RV or tractor, the Stanley 500-Amp Battery Jump Starter with Compressor is ideal for every day use or roadside emergencies.
The Stanley 500-Amp Battery Jump Starter with Compressor offers a convenient, portable way to jump-start your battery without the need of another vehicle. Simply attach the clamps and if connected improperly the alarm will sound, alerting you to switch the clamps before turning on the unit. With enough power to jump-start your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, RV or tractor, the Stanley 500-Amp Battery Jump Starter with Compressor is ideal for every day use or roadside emergencies.
- 1000 Peak Battery Amps / 500 Amp Instant Starting Power
- Includes a 120 PSI air compressor, DC & USB charging plugs and a high powered LED light that rotates 270 degrees
- Consists of reverse polarity alarm for safety along with a top-mounted rubber molded handle for easy grip