FRAM CF10285 Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter

FRAM CF10285 Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter

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FRAM CF10285 Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter Description and Features.

Outside air flowing through the vehicle's ventilation system can expose passengers to road dust and pollen. FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filters can filter 98% of these contaminants (particles ranging from 5-100 microns). Each FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter contains Arm & Hammer backing soda and carbon which are embedded into the filter to absorb odors and freshen the air.

  • Filters up to 98% of road dust and road pollen dramatically improving in-vehicle air quality
  • Periodic replacing of cabin air filter improves air intake air flow used in heating and air conditioning systems
  • Packs twice the ability to deodorize common odors drawn from outside sources compared to filters not treated with carbon and baking soda