Rain-X 5079276-1 Latitude Wiper Blade - 19" (Pack of 1)

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Rain-X 5079276-1 Latitude Wiper Blade - 19" (Pack of 1) Description and Features.

The revolutionary Rain‑X Latitude wiper blade contours to the curvature of your windshield to provide even wiping pressure along the full length of the blade. For the last 40 years, Rain‑X has provided drivers with products to help them outsmart the elements. All Rain‑X products are designed to help keep our customers a confident step ahead of Mother Nature on the road.

  • Prevents ice and snow build-up through the elimination of exposed metal components
  • Smooth, chatter-free wipe as a result of the specially blended graphite coated rubber blade
  • Enhanced flexibility and grip from the durable, rubber-encased substructure