Battery Tender 021-0123 Battery Tender Junior 12V Battery Charger

Battery Tender 021-0123 Battery Tender Junior 12V Battery Charger

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Battery Tender 021-0123 Battery Tender Junior 12V Battery Charger Description and Features.

Battery Tender Junior 12V Battery Charger is much more than a trickle charger. It has a brain, is lightweight, compact, fully automatic and very easy to use especially in small spaces. This battery charger will keep the battery fully charged so that it is ready to go always. It has a microprocessor controlled fully automatic charger and maintainer and is designed to extend the life of any lead acid battery commonly used in automobiles, motorcycles, ATVs, personal watercraft, RVs, boats, airplanes, golf carts, back-up generator systems, etc. Any vehicle or battery-operated piece of equipment not used on a daily or regular basis is a candidate for a Battery Tender charger. The advanced technology will bring the battery back to a full charge without overcharging and then float or maintain the battery for an indefinite period of time. The Battery Tender Junior comes equipped with alligator clips and ring terminals for easy hook up. An optional 25 feet extension cord (part number 081-0148-25) is sold separately.

  • Spark proof during lead connection, reverse polarity protected and includes a 12-foot output cord and 5-year warranty
  • Perfect for charging all 12-volt lead-acid, flooded or sealed maintenance free batteries (AGM and gel cell)
  • Complete 4-step charging program (Initialization, Bulk Charge, Float Mode) allows for optimization of battery power, without overcharging